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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 Tech predictions

Well since everyone was being a expert and creating their own tech predictions I was thinking I should put out my own. So I will tell you what do I expect from this year?

Tablets laptops netbooks and desktops-

Every one is saying that this year will be the year of the Tablets and that tablets will takeover the market and it will destroy the netbook sales and also the laptop sales. Well I am not with this claim. yes tablets will be growing and there will be a ot of tablets releasing this year with capabilities that we have not sen this far and there will also be tablet os or portable devices Os like Meego coming out but according to me it will be a different part of the market. So netbook sales will decline but it wont stop cause there will be still some people who will need a small second laptop that they can carry around. Lets face it - I know that typing on touch screens can be novel at first but you still cant beat the keyboard no matter how small it is. (that's my opinion and i know yours might be different.) So what will happen is there will be some people jumping in to tablets cause it will meet their requirements, then there will be some people who will be jumping into netbooks , and there will be some highend users who will require a lot of power who will still go for laptops.

Krystle Herrick one of my readers asked me: "If this year the desktop will finally die as there are laptops which are as powerful as desktops available?

A: Thanks for your wonderful question and Thanks for reading my blog. To answer your question.- According to me the Desktops will still remain and be     used. Their sales will still be affected and more and more normal users will be buying a laptop this year but there will still be some people who     will need a lot of power from their computers like graphic designers or editors or hi-end gamers who will still need it. Also one more reason for     these people not to change is that its easier to get a hi end desktop as it will be a lot cheaper compared to a extremely hi end laptop. One more     reason for this is that if any components go bad in a hi end machine, if its a desktop it is easier to change the parts  but if its a laptop then     its difficult. So there will be very less low end desktop sales as those users will be switching to laptops but the hiend desktop sales and i do     mean very extreme pcs will still remain.  


This is another aspect of the market and first to answer the question in your minds. Yes it will be effected by the tables but only a little. Ok another thing is which mobile Os will win. The answer  is none. they will all be at their respective places. But there will be some out selling the other. Don't ask me which one as i am not sure, but according to the trend the android may pick up the market.

The major players in the mobile os are Android, Win phone 7, Symbian , Ios4 and Blackberry os. and the one to watch out for is Meego. That is going to a game changer when it comes out.

As for phones there will be alot of phones that will be out this year and it will be  a great time for phone lovers cause there will be phones coming out which will do a lot more than we can imagine and in form factors that we have not yet seen. Projected displays and fold able displays are also expected to come into the picture.

Pc os-

There is chrome os that is supposed to come out but I don't expect it to be a game changer. But I am expecting other companies like microsoft and others to make better os that will be suitable across a lot of platforms.

So in short this will be a great year for gadget freaks like me and you. So hang on tight 
 and as usual if  you have any questions just email me or post a comment.

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